An Unexpected Reason Why Certain People Never Seem to Gain Any Weight

Hint: It’s not a fast metabolism

Nita Jain
Medical Myths and Models


Photo by Alessandro Alimonti on Unsplash

We all know that one person who can seemingly indulge in comfort foods to their heart’s content without gaining any weight. (*Ahem!*…Susan from accounting...*cough*) But rather than look on in envy, let’s try to piece apart the reasons why that might be. (Hint: it’s not a fast metabolism!)

While physicians may insist that biochemistry is identical in every person, certain individual distinctions can have a disproportionate effect on body metabolism and composition. So why do some people never seem to gain any weight?

Metabolism 101

We all know how important physical activity is for our long-term health, but physical activity doesn’t just include structured, planned exercise like working out at the gym or running.

Some individuals — think fast talkers and fidgeters — move quite a bit even at rest and therefore exhibit very high NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis. Daily tasks contribute to energy expenditure in the form of NEAT, which includes activities like:

  • walking your dog
  • washing dishes
  • cooking & cleaning
  • driving



Nita Jain
Medical Myths and Models

I share health and science insights to improve your quality of life |