Another Remarkable Reason Why Some People Are Naturally Skinny

Of microbes and men

Nita Jain
In Fitness And In Health


Image created by author

During our evolutionary history as a species, food shortages were common, and the ability to store energy as fat was advantageous for survival. In the modern world, however, where food is easily accessible, the same behaviors that once helped us now hamper our progress.

When we discuss metabolism, we usually only focus on our own contributions to physiological processes in our bodies. But the contribution of our microbial inhabitants is equally, if not more, important.

A sizeable body of evidence has shown that the human gut microbiota determine the effects of both diet and exercise on weight loss and metabolism.

Got Guts?

Our intestines are home to trillions of microorganisms. While most microbiome research so far has focused on bacteria, we also harbor many different types of archaea, protists, algae, fungi, and viruses.

These microbes contribute to digestion and immunity, protect against pathogens, provide nutrients, influence our risk for chronic diseases, drive social behavior, and impact our metabolism.

Certain microbiome associations can predict BMI, and our baseline gut bacteria can help or hinder weight loss efforts.



Nita Jain
In Fitness And In Health

I share health and science insights to improve your quality of life |