Are 4 Minutes Of Exercise Really Enough?

What if 4 minute workouts could help you get fit?

Scott Hughey (TheWriteScott)
In Fitness And In Health


Tabata is an efficient 4-minute workout
Image procured by author via Canva Pro

Question: Who has time to workout?

Answer: As it turns out, nearly everyone.

I’m not suggesting that we all have time for super long workouts every day. In fact, that may be a bad idea anyway.

I travel for a living. As I‘m writing this, I’ve just completed another 11-hour workday, not counting the almost 3 hours of writing after that. I’ve got to get to bed soon. I don’t have time for an hour of exercise.

But four minutes? That, I can do.

It’s not just me. Life is hectic for all of us. It seems there’s never enough time to do the things we need, let alone the things we want.

Various websites will suggest exercise routines last 30–45 minutes. And if you have the time and energy for that, by all means, do so.

But we’re all busy. Setting aside 45 minutes a day to exercise can be self-defeating when there isn’t enough time. For those without workable fitness routines at home, there’s the extra time of driving to and from the gym. Add in changing clothes or showering, and that 45 minutes has cost 2 hours out of the day.



Scott Hughey (TheWriteScott)
In Fitness And In Health

He’s a geek with social skills. Scott writes humor, satire, and pop-culture with a touch of self-help. Find his Amazon books here: