Are You An Emotional Sponge?

5 strategies that will help you stop absorbing the stress of others.

In Fitness And In Health


Credits By Unsplash

How easy is it for you to ignore when someone you care about is upset? I can’t ignore it— it’s unbearable when someone who matters to me is unhappy. I can’t help it — I feel a sudden urge to rescue them.


Because I am energetically wired to sense others’ emotions intensely. I tend to keep holding onto these energies like an emotional sponge. Just the other day, I told my partner how I experienced sadness the whole day because he had told me he was feeling overwhelmed.

How romantic. But also — problematic.

If you too are an Empath, you may be constantly trying to protect yourself in relationships by building the ‘I don’t care that much’ muscle. The truth is — you care.

I learned to practice 5 strategies in my life which have helped me cease absorbing the stress of others. I have been using them in situations where I felt upset and suspected that I was taking on someone’s else’s emotional distress — they have improved my relationships with others.

See which ones work best for you.

1. Identify The Source



In Fitness And In Health

Writer, Screenwriter, Role Model and just ultra-cool babe. I’m fearless. I’m a writer. I don’t quit. I use my imagination to inspire others! I know who I am!