Baked Oats Has Revolutionized Breakfast

Put down the milk and the cereal, pick up the mixing bowl and the baking powder!

Shamar M
In Fitness And In Health


Image from Instagram: @conloneats

Breakfast is that meal that nearly a quarter of individuals in the United States skip a day. Albeit because they do not have time to make it in the morning, they simply cannot find anything that they like or because they’re trying to lose the 16% of our daily intake that breakfast provides.

My friend is on a diet and has lost 5 stone so far, I’m so impressed and proud! As she now eats healthy, she has decided to create an Instagram page posting about the healthy food she eats in a day. One day, she posted a posh cake-looking thing that honestly looked delicious — it consisted of honey swirls and blueberries on the top, looked crispy around the edges, and was a perfect golden color. I asked her what this magic dish was called and she told me it was her breakfast — baked oats.

Baked oats? I had never heard of it. Upon research and questioning my friends and family, it turns out I’m one of the last ones to be made aware of baked oats as this dish has been revolutionizing the way we eat breakfast for a long time.

What are baked oats and how do you make them?



Shamar M
In Fitness And In Health

27. Based in the UK. PG DIP HR Management. Chief of publication The First Time. Editor in About Me Stories.