Barbell Back Squats vs Box Squats

What is the best type of squat?

Philip James
In Fitness And In Health


Photo Credit:Burst Royalty Free Photos

What is the best type of squat for you? If you are a personal trainer, what is the best type of squat for your client? There’s even the idea that you should perform multiple squatting variations in each workout without consideration for recovery or how those workouts impact you. While there are a variety of different squatting patterns, for athletic purposes, the two variations that stand out are the box squat and the back squat.

What is the best type of squat for me or my client?
There are a lot of considerations to make in determining if you or your client can benefit more from a back squat, box squat, front squats, dumbbell squat or goblet squat but the answer is simple. The main considerations are training goals and the number of training sessions per week.

Back Squat vs Box Squat

The traditional barbell back squat is often the first variation of the squat prescribed since it is the classic squat test. Personal trainers and coaches often program it because it is the metric that is used in athletic programs and recommended in almost every program. You also are at the disposal of what your gym offers. So if it doesn’t have kettlebells you can’t perform a goblet squat and without a stand alone rack, it’s really hard…

