Be Careful Who You Listen To About Fitness

Most people have no idea what they’re talking about

Scott Mayer
In Fitness And In Health


Credit: Victor Freitas on Unsplash

The fitness world is full of charlatans.

This isn’t news. Myself and others have talked about it ad nauseam. All it takes is a few trips down your Instagram news feed to see it in practice. Unqualified “fitness professionals” peddling this supplement or that training program. All for five easy payments of $59.95.

I’m willing to bet most of you can see beyond the facade. You’ve got enough sense to know what’s legitimate and what’s garbage. It comes with seeing hundreds and hundreds of posts all saying a variation of the same thing.

Yet many of us still fall for the subtle (and not so subtle) traps the fitness industry lays. It must be true, otherwise why would we be bombarded with the same crap day in and day out?

It’s not that fitness enthusiasts aren’t smart enough to see the pitfalls when they come up. In fact, we’re a much smarter group of folks on the whole. We don’t have a common sense problem. We don’t have an intelligence problem.

We have an affirmation problem.

And it hinders our ability to know what is true and what is not.

Seeing truth where there is none

