Before You Start Exercising, Take Time To First Identify Your Roadblocks

Recognize your past failures and prepare for them

Devin Arrigo
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Sam Moqadam on Unsplash

Your psychology can tell a lot about why you don’t exercise.

Psychology not only impacts your motivation and mood, but it also affects your behaviors toward exercise. Put simply — your psychology influences your decision to exercise or not.

Before you try to get healthy, you first need to identify all the reasons why you avoid exercise. Or why you’ve tried and come up short. Or why you can’t seem to stay consistent.

These reasons are known as barriers to exercise, and understanding them is extremely important for building a long-lasting exercise habit.

Here are the six most common barriers to exercise and how to overcome them.

1. Time

Lack of time is one of the most common perceived barriers to exercise.

Whether it’s work, family, or a busy social life, it can sometimes be difficult to fit exercise in too. That said, to consistently work out, you need to prioritize your workouts.

Your family is important. Your work is important. Your health should be important to you too.



Devin Arrigo
In Fitness And In Health

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