Benefits of Going Vegetarian

In Fitness And In Health
4 min readDec 6, 2020
Taken from Glasbergen cartoon service

All of us need something to make us feel better about ourselves. Since we know that food plays a major role in how we feel, what you decide to eat is up to you. But if you try out the vegetarian diet, you might notice some positive changes to your body.

1. Improved mood

Chemicals (arachidonic acid) produced from animal foods have been related to mood disturbances. Reducing animal foods and switching to plant-based foods may help decrease these side effects.

2. Higher energy levels

Since fruits and vegetables contain more vitamins and antioxidants, it will directly result in elevated energy levels. Since there is an increase in your fiber intake, your digestion will be improved as well (However, you might feel temporarily bloated until your body adjusts to the increased fiber intake. Don’t let it discourage you).

3. Feeling satiated for a long time

Fibers are hard to digest. They keep you full longer, regulate your blood sugar levels as the digestion of food slows down the absorption of glucose.

4. Clear skin

Experts say that there is a clear connection between a vegetarian lifestyle and clearer skin. Fruits and vegetables contain water and antioxidants, which help in decreasing acne.

5. Improved hormonal balance

Vegetarian diets can stimulate the production of hormones like progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone. Vegetarian sources like coconut oil, chia seeds, olive oil increase the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) which plays a key role in balancing your hormones.
Photo by Alexander Mils from Unsplash

If you’re choosing a vegetarian diet, make sure that it’s appropriately planned. Simply dropping certain foods from your diet isn’t the best way to maintain good health, strong muscles, and bones.

Vegetarian diets are deficient in the following nutrients:

  1. Iron
  2. Calcium
  3. Vitamin D
  4. Vitamin B-12
  5. Protein
  6. Zinc

If meat, fish, dairy products, and/or eggs aren’t a part of your diet, then it’s important to know about the sources from which you can get the above nutrients:


Soy, dark green leafy vegetables, beans, lentils, dried fruits (raisins).

Eating these foods along with food high in vitamin C (citrus fruits, tomatoes) will help you absorb the iron better.


Milk and yogurt top the lists. But, if you are someone who doesn’t consume dairy products, you can go with dried figs and dark green leafy vegetables.


Your skin can produce Vitamin D when exposed to the sun’s rays. However, depending on your geographical location and climate, this may not be practical. Mushrooms have the unique ability to produce vitamin D when exposed to UV light. However, not all commercial mushrooms are grown in that way. When you buy a pack of mushrooms, check their vitamin D content. Cheese is also a source of vitamin D.

Vitamin B-12

Fortified soy milk, fortified breakfast cereals, and nutritional yeast also have this important vitamin. It’s hard to get enough vitamin B12 in your diet if you are vegan, so a supplement may be needed.


Try nuts, peanut butter, tofu, beans, seeds, soy milk, grains, cereals, and vegetables to match your required protein content.


Make sure fortified cereals, dried beans, nuts, and soy products like tofu are part of your diet so you can meet your daily requirement for this important mineral.

If you are someone who is going to the gym, you might notice that it may take a longer time for your muscles to recover. This is because plant proteins take a longer time to break down and reassemble in the used parts. Find a good recipe for a protein-filled vegetarian shake. Once you add more protein to your diet, you should be able to keep up with your workouts.

No lifestyle is better than the other. But it’s always a healthy idea to try out new foods when you can. Try it out. Eat what feels right for you.

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In Fitness And In Health

Fitness enthusiast, Trying to be the best version of myself everyday. Love to talk about physical and mental fitness.