3 Traps That Can Hold You Back From Your Dream Shape

Shady ElSayed
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readJul 17, 2020
Image by Jesper Aggergaard From Unsplash

“I did everything I could to change my body. It changed a bit, but suddenly PAUSED!” sounds familiar right? Well, I’ve been there, all of us have, not only you.

Our bodies change slightly and quickly in the initial phase of transformation, then the change rate declines until you no longer progress.

Unless you prepare and experiment with advanced strategies, you’ll be stuck in the “pause” state forever. It’s harsh but true. I’ve been through the most frustrating kind of traps you’ll most likely face during your body transformation journey, but after in-depth study and experimentation, I adopted and applied a few strategies. And it worked!

Now, I own my body. I can progress or regress as my goals require.

So, what are those hindering traps and most importantly how can you overcome them?

1- The PLATEAU trap

If you’re not familiar with the term plateau, it’s the scientific synonym of the “paused” state I mentioned earlier, or when you can’t see any further progression. Your muscles no longer grow and you aren’t losing any extra pounds. This moment is sufficient to diminish your motivation, and drift you away from your dream theme.

Why does Plateau happen and how to overcome it?

You’re following the same exercise routine for a long time.

When you get your body used to a specific exercise routine for a long period (six weeks or more) you’re no longer challenging it. There are no extra stimuli that can trigger your muscle to grow or your calorie expenditure to raise. Consequently, you don’t progress any further.

To overcome plateau you need to apply the ‘Progressive Overload Strategy’, by lifting heavier weights, performing your reps till failure, or walking/running faster or longer than you usually do. You may also need to change your exercise technique. If you’re a weight room wander, you will need to change your set techniques. Maybe consider trying Drop set, Superset, Forced set, or Giant set instead of the common Pyramid Technique. If you’re a cardio striker, maybe lengthening your duration or leveling up your incline can get you better results.

You’re Messing up with Calories.

Calories do matter unlike what the excusers claim.

As I mentioned in the fat loss hacks I wish I’d known earlier to cut body fat, you need to create and maintain a calorie deficit. But what if your goal is to gain muscles? You’ll need to create a Calorie Surplus. To start, head to the BMR Calculator, fill up your metrics and you will get the number of calories your body requires based on your lifestyle and activity level. Surpass this number of calories by 300–500 calories and you’re good to gain.

You’re overstressed.

Life’s stressful inherently. We all know that! In fact, that’s a good reason to not stress at all.

Managing stress is a key factor in your transformation journey. Not to mention the obvious impact on your heart and mental health. Stress increases cortisol level which raises your ghrelin hormone (the hunger hormone) and as a result, you end up overeating. If you’re no longer physically progressing you better turn your attention to your mental state, find out what’s stressing you. Take an action towards it and move forward. You’ll also need more than ever to watch and control your eating habits during that fluctuating time.

2- The COMPARISON trap

When you’re comparing yourself to everybody else you’ll not reap anything but misery, frustration, and despair. Your sexy neighbor, your favorite actor, or the shred vlogger you follow, they’ve all started somewhere, which is probably where you are now. They reaped all their gains from constant hard work, patience, and discipline. (assuming that they’ve not poisoned their bodies with unnecessary supplements.)

To avoid the comparison trap:

  • Remember that everyone’s body and circumstances are different.
  • Remember that you’ve chosen the long, healthier way to sustain your gains. SALUT!
  • Stay focused and stick to your diet and exercise program.
  • Stay consistent.
  • Be patient.

3- The EXCUSE trap

Initially, you’ll get excited, you’ll get all your kit ready, you’ll be on time, you’ll watch your food, count your calories, until the excuses rollover. You had a long day at work, you were hungry and had nothing else to eat but junk food, and all a sudden your gains will vanish! You need an immediate self-assess here. Those excuses are symptoms of motivation-less. You need to refuel your engine with some fresh motives.

To do so:

  • Set a SMART goal for yourself.
  • Get some inspiration from your favorite blogger.
  • Find a training partner.
  • Weigh yourself every two weeks to see your progression.
  • Plan your meals beforehand.

Final Thought

Body transformation, similarly to any other life’s journeys are encompassed by ups and downs. You’ll be bombarded with obstacles and hurdles along the way, expectedly. So, when the tough moments knock on your door, instead of turning your back and simply surrendering, change the way you approach the change. That’s why it’s worth planning ahead to arm yourself with alternative strategies so that you can overcome these inevitable traps.



Shady ElSayed
In Fitness And In Health

Certified Personal Trainer. I’m here to help you live a healthier life. Being fit. Save time and money. Let’s talk: shadyelsayed5@gmail.com