These Books Evolved My Understanding of Fitness and Rehab

Seven recommendations from a Physical Therapist

Zachary Walston, PT, DPT, OCS
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Josh Duke on Unsplash

“The broad truth is that nature and nurture are so interlaced in any realm of athletic performance that the answer is always: it’s both.” ― David Epstein, The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance

Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance by Alex Hutchinson — 9.5/10

This book explores how we are able to push our bodies to their endurance limits, and then some. The book is packed with studies, interviews with field experts, and stories from all areas of endurance, including running, cycling, and mountain climbing. If you want to better understand how the body maximizes endurance potential and the balance between biological principles (such as VO2 max) and psychological (effort) then you must read this book. I highly recommend it for all athletes, physios, trainers, and anyone else working in the healthcare or fitness industries.

The Little Black Book of Training Wisdom: How to train to improve at any sport by Dan Cleather — 9/10

