Boost Your Spine Health with These 3 Simple Movements

Bend, twist, lengthen and fold

Kaitlyn Varin
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by GMB Fitness on Unsplash

In a holistic Hatha yoga practice, the spine moves in 3 ways. Teachers incorporate side bending, twists, and flexion (back bending and rounding). Personally, I start every morning with these 3 simple movements. After years of mid-back pain, a very specific burning sensation between my shoulder blades, I sit all day with little to no discomfort.

I know, I know, sitting all day is bad for you. Most knowledge workers with 9–5s don’t have a choice. Without the luxury or flexibility to work from home, a sit-stand set-up, or the ability to take long breaks away from my desk, I need ways to reduce or even eliminate the discomfort and negative side effects of sitting. Holistic Hatha, specifically it’s focus on spinal movement, is the way.

Photo by Alexandra Tran on Unsplash

Explore Cat and Cow

Most of us picture cat and cow from tabletop (or hands and knees). If you’re unfamiliar, from tabletop, you drop your belly, lift your heart for cow pose, and then round the spine, arching the back, for cat pose. Though this is what my morning spinal flexion looks like, it may not work for you, so here…



Kaitlyn Varin
In Fitness And In Health

Kaitlyn is a yogi, yoga teacher, runner, writer, and book worm. She writes about health and wellness, self-improvement, food, books, and life.