Break New Limits with the “Impossible” Push-Up

You haven’t tried push-ups until you’ve tried this

Jamie D Stacey
In Fitness And In Health
5 min readFeb 22, 2021


Photo by mohamed_hassan on Pixabay

“Impossible is nothing to he (or she) who will try” — Alexander the Great (and countless others after him).

The humble push-up is a true test of bodyweight strength.

You brace yourself, from your core to your chest to your cerebellum. You lower yourself, muscles tensed, only soon to fight against gravity as you heave that mighty body of yours back up once again. And you go for it, rep after ripping rep, set after sweaty set. Maybe you even mix it up, play with incline or decline, archer or handstand push-ups. But even if you do — do you really know the push-up?

The “Impossible” push-up, so named because it’s never ending and insanely hard — both on your muscles and your mind — is not only a great test of strength but is also a great way to further your strength. It is, as I’ve learned, very humbling yet also uplifting.

So, what exactly is it? And how does it help?

Let’s train. Let’s do the (possible) impossible push-up.

The “Impossible” Push-up — It’s All About Tempo

The concept is simple. You’re playing with tempo.



Jamie D Stacey
In Fitness And In Health

Fitness | Parenting | Life | Father, personal trainer, yoga teacher, with a doctorate of philosophy. Sign up: