Calm Your Anxiety With These 6 Teas [Must-Try]

90% of anxious people don’t know about these special remedies

Nishu Jain
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readSep 25, 2020


Source: Designed this Myself using Canva

I’m in good shape, and I try to remain that way for as long as I can. But, I am not the one who’ll go to extreme ends to do so.

Instead, I try to optimize my life in such a way that I can prevent certain situations before they ever happen. Like, managing my mental health before I go off the tracks.

It is said that the food we take and the thoughts we have are intertwined.

According to Vedas, food is categorized as Satvik, Rajasic, and Tamasic on the basis of their nature. Meaning, Good food leads to good thoughts and bad food leads to bad thoughts.

Teas are something similar to this, and I can assure you that after trying them only once, you’ll see a significant improvement in your mental and physical health.

Every Moment is a Fresh Beginning

#1. Ashwagandha Tea

Ashwagandha is one of the most significant herbs in Ayurveda. This Sanskrit origin word translates to “smell of the horse”, referring to both the horse’s distinct smell and its ability to increase strength.



Nishu Jain
In Fitness And In Health

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