Change 1 Habit to Kickstart Weight Loss

My approach to habit changing that helped me lose weight and keep it off, including 10 lifestyle habits and changes to get started.

Michelle Murphy
In Fitness And In Health


A before and after photo of weight loss across 3 years. The left the woman is in a La Croix bathing suit, holding a La Croix at a pool. The right a woman is in a black bikini and a white hat giving a peace sign to a mirror.
Before and after of my weight loss. Photos by me.

As I sat in my kitchen this morning sipping the zillionth smoothie I’ve made in the last 3 years, I was pondering which habits change contributed the most to my weight loss.



Michelle Murphy
In Fitness And In Health

Managing Director @Use All Five. I write about career growth, mentorship, organization, and wellness. Stay in touch: