Confessions of a 140lb Bodybuilder

Are you a hard gainer? Read this to make yourself feel better

Jamie Jackson
In Fitness And In Health


Not me, but may as well be — Credit: wayhomestudio on Freepik

The following story isn’t about bodybuilding success or a before and after tale of personal triumph. It’s a confession, an embarrassing admission of repeated gym failure. It’s the timeless love-hate saga we all have with our bodies, with exercise, with ourselves.

I’m sure you can relate, though it’s doubtful you’d have failed so consistently as I have. You see, I’m almost certain I’m the world’s worst bodybuilder. Someone has to be, and as you’ll read, it’s almost undoubtedly me.

It’s all Rocky Balboa’s fault

I work out a lot. I love it. Not that you could tell by looking at me. I am what they call a “hard-gainer” — gym-speak for someone who struggles to put on muscle mass more than the average Joe.

A quick check of my stats says it all: I’m just under 5'10" and currently 145lb — still heavier than my natural (non-lifting) weight of ten stone on the nose.

I’m one of those annoying people who loses weight when they stop visiting the gym rather than gains it. Sure, curries and beer can push the scales up but in general, I’m small-framed with skinny limbs and my tiny wrists and ankles have been subject to public mockery since, like, forever.



Jamie Jackson
In Fitness And In Health

Between two skies and towards the night. // Email me: jamiejacksonati [at] gmail [dot] com