Daily Routine to Combat Your Hunched Posture

If you sit all day, you need to do these five exercises

Sean Gill
In Fitness And In Health


Image source: maxvelocityfitness.com

It’s a problem plaguing society, though not often talked about. With advancements in technology, we have been ushered into a more sedentary world. One where looking down — often whilst sitting — at a screen for many hours is the norm.

The human body’s ability to adapt means it has done just that. Our postures are the direct result of our behaviors. We have become what we do — stuck in a position we voluntarily assume each and every day.

Internally rotated shoulders, a chronically flexed spine, and the neck pain to go with it. We then go and exercise in this compromised position. Say goodbye to proper injury prevention. And forget optimal physical performance.

We need to re-position ourselves. It can be achieved by implementing a daily routine that seeks to counter this problem. It has taken time for our bodies to mold themselves into what is their new norm, so don’t expect an overnight fix.

Consistently chipping away on a daily basis will get you there.

The Cause of the Problem

As a result of our consistently poor postures, certain muscles become overactive and tight whilst others become unused and weak.



Sean Gill
In Fitness And In Health

Exercise Physiologist residing down under. Addicted to the science behind health and performance.