Dance As Exercise? Here Are the Pros and Cons.

Dance can be a fantastic way to get your daily dose of exercise, but it may not fit everyone’s needs.

Claire Elizabeth Levesque
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Michael Afonso on Unsplash

Have you been thinking about trying dance as an addition to your exercise routine, but not been quite sure whether it was right for you? Or maybe you danced as a kid, but now you’re not sure if it would be worth returning to as an adult? If so, here are a few things you might want to consider.

Pro: Dance is fun.

This, in my opinion, is by far the biggest pro for using dance as a way to get your exercise. If you’re not someone who enjoys more traditional forms of working out, like lifting weights, then dance could be a great alternative for you.

For one thing, dance is a more social experience than other forms of exercise generally are, since most forms of dance are taught in a group class. Additionally, dance classes are very musically driven, with classical accompaniment for ballet or more contemporary music for jazz and modern dance, which most people find enjoyable.

Con: Dance is skill-based.

Another fun thing about dance is that you get to learn new steps and combinations every class. Unfortunately, this also means that beginners will get…

