Delaying Your Morning Coffee Will Change Your Life

Start your day with this Neuroscience-based hack instead

In Fitness And In Health


Photo by christian ferrer on Unsplash

If you’re not a coffee drinker and prefer your caffeine in the form of tea, yerba maté, energy drinks, pills, or some other method of caffeine delivery, read on as this still applies to you.

How I normally started my days

Most of my mornings looked like this — wake, get out of bed and immediately do some pushups to get my blood flowing, then hit the kitchen and brew my morning dose of caffeine in the form of espresso. As the coffee brews, I use the restroom for my usual morning hygiene and once I am done in the bathroom, the coffee is ready to kick my day into hyperdrive.

Then I came across the research of acclaimed Stanford University neuroscientist and podcaster, Dr. Andrew Huberman. Dr. Huberman recommends delaying coffee consumption for a minimum of 1.5 to 2 hours after waking in order to maximize energy, reset your Circadian Rhythms, and improve sleep.

Caffeine, cortisol, and consequences



In Fitness And In Health

Crypto 📊 Culture Cultivator 🙌🏼 | Psychonaut 🚀Philosopher 🤔 | Bio-Hacking 💪 Bullshit Artist | X Spaces Host | Digital 💻 Nomad & Ronen 🗡️