5 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Eat Sea Vegetables

Learn about the powerful health benefits of sea vegetables

Fred Swartley
In Fitness And In Health
11 min readMay 29, 2021


Photo by Silas Baisch on Unsplash

There are many hot topics in today’s world of health and nutrition. Some health gurus are touting the benefits of green juices and colorful vegetables. Others are fascinated with powerful spices and herbs such as turmeric and ginger. And many natural health experts are advocating the use of “superfoods” such as coconut oil, bone broth, wild-caught salmon and avocados.

However, sea vegetables are not among the many hot topics being discussed in today’s health world. Sea vegetables are not very popular among health experts or nutritionists. Sea vegetables are not usually included in treatment plans or sold by small health businesses. And many people in today’s society are completely unaware of sea vegetables and familiar with their many benefits.

This lack of knowledge about sea vegetables is very unfortunate because sea vegetables are among the healthiest foods in the world. Sea vegetables are more nutrient-dense than land vegetables, such as kale, spinach and broccoli.

What exactly are sea vegetables? Sea vegetables are types of algae or seaweed. There are many different varieties of seaweed, including kelp, nori, dulce, wakame, Irish moss and spirulina. These sea vegetables absorb nutrients from the ocean which then transfer to our bodies.

Though sea vegetables are not very popular in the US, they are heavily consumed around the world. Asian countries in particular are fond lovers of seaweed. The Chinese, Japanese and Koreans consume seaweed on a daily basis. And consumption of seaweed is considered to be one of the reasons the Okinawa of Japan have the highest life-expectancy rates in the world.

All sea vegetables are very nutrient-dense and provide an array of powerful health benefits. Sea vegetables are loaded with viatmins, minerals, antioxidants, protein, healthy fats and chlorophyll.

Each sea vegetable has its own unique benefits and nutritional profile. However, all sea vegetables share similar benefits for human health and longevity.

Here are five of the most common benefits that sea vegetables provide:

1. Excellent for thyroid health

image by medanta.org

Many women today are struggling with thyroid disorders, such as hypothyroidism and Hashimotos. Women are struggling with the symptoms of low thyroid levels, including poor digestion, lack of sex drive, hair loss and weight gain.

Most women are turning to medical doctors to provide solutions for their thyroid problems. However, conventional doctors have little to offer people to improve their thyroid health. Most conventional doctors only give medications to increase thyroid levels. These medications do not address the root cause of thyroid disorders and they often have harsh side effects.

Fortunately for today’s women, there are many natural remedies that can greatly improve thyroid health. Foods, herbs, supplements, sleep, stress management, exercises and other lifestyle strategies can improve thyroid levels without harsh side effects.

Consuming sea vegetables is one of the best natural ways to improve thyroid health. Sea vegetables are loaded with trace minerals, which are extremely important for thyroid health. Sea vegetables are the richest food sources of iodine and selenium, which are both critical for thyroid health. Sea vegetables also contain large amounts of zinc, magnesium, iron, B vitamins and other nutrients that are necessary for thyroid hormone production and activation.

The richest source of both iodine and selenium is sea moss. Sea moss contains over 92 trace minerals and has large amounts of potassium and iron in addition to iodine and selenium.

The trace minerals and vitamins contained in sea vegetables work not only to produce active thyroid hormone but also help to balance cortisol and estrogen levels. Maintaining healthy cortisol and estrogen levels is important because high levels of these hormones will lower thyroid levels.

2. Great for vegans and vegetarians

Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash

Eating a plant-based diet can be a healthy way of living for many. Many people today are turning to a plant-based diet due to fears about the dangers of meat and animal products.

Though eating vegan and vegetarian can be healthy and effective for some, it does not come without its risks and challenges. One of the primary challenges of eating mostly plant foods is obtaining adequate amounts of protein. Even though many plant foods contain protein, they often do not contain complete protein. Furthermore, the protein in plant foods is usually not as well-balanced or absorbable as the protein in meats.

Sea vegetables can be very useful to vegans and vegetarians because they are one of the best sources of plant-based protein. Sea vegetables contain more protein than most land vegetables. Some sea vegetables, such as spirulina, are composed of about 60 percent protein by weight. Furthermore, the protein in sea vegetables is often complete, well-balanced and easily absorbed by the body.

Another challenge that vegans and vegetarians face is obtaining sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids. Though many plant foods contain large amounts of omega-3s, they do not possess the bioavailable form of omega 3. Plant foods such as chia and flax seeds contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) omega-3 fatty acids. These ALA omega-3s must be converted into docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) omega-3s, and the conversion rate is very poor. Thus, vegans and vegetarians need to find plant-based sources of DHA and EPA to obtain adequate amounts of these nutrients.

Once again sea vegetables come to the rescue. Sea vegetables are one of the few plant foods that contain EPA and DHA omega-3s. Microalgae such as spirulina and chlorella contain ample amounts of these fatty acids. Chlorella contains the highest amount of DHA and EPA omega-3s, while spirulina has greater amounts of omega-6s. Additionally, these sea vegetables contain a well-balanced ratio of omega-3 to omega-6s.

Sea vegetables also benefit vegans and vegetarians by providing small amounts of vitamin B12, which is lacking in most plant foods. A type of seaweed called nori contains the richest amount of vitamin B12, providing about 10–22 micrograms per serving.

3. Detoxification

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Sea vegetables not only provide the body with a large number of essential nutrients, but they also help cleanse the body of harmful toxins and wastes.

In today’s society, we are bombarded by toxins from a variety of different sources. Toxins are located in our food, drinking water, clothing, cleaning products, furniture, hygiene products, carpets and paint. We can reduce our exposure to toxins by eating organic and using natural hygiene and cleaning products. However, we are still exposed to many toxins every from the air, buildings, cars and other factors that are beyond our control. It is impossible to avoid toxins completely.

Chronic exposure to large numbers of toxins can lead to a variety of health problems. Toxins can accumulate in the body and trigger disease processes of every kind. Toxins can contribute to diseases such as cancer, heart disease, fatty liver, arthritis, leaky gut, food sensitivities, depression, anxiety, neurodegenerative diseases, skin problems, hormonal imbalances and autoimmune diseases.

Because of our constant exposure to large numbers of toxins, it is important to support our body’s detoxification systems. Our detoxification systems include the liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, skin and lymphatic system. These organs all play an important role in ridding the body of pesticides, heavy metals and other toxins.

Sea vegetables are an excellent way to support the body’s natural detoxification processes. Sea vegetables contain a large amount of chlorophyll, which is the pigment found in all green plants. Chlorophyll helps plants make energy from the sun. Chlorophyll also works as a natural chelator to help the liver detoxify heavy metals and other harmful substances.

Although all sea vegetables contain impressive amounts of chlorophyll, some contain higher amounts. Coldwater algae such as chlorella contain the highest amount of chlorophyll.

Because of their high chlorophyll levels, sea vegetables are excellent at detoxifying heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium. And some sea vegetables are effective at detoxifying specific heavy metals. For example, spirulina is very effective at cleansing the body of arsenic, which is a common toxin that affects people worldwide. Research has shown spirulina to be effective at treating arsenic poisoning in people from Asian countries. In fact, one study involving 24 patients with arsenic poisoning showed that the intake of spirulina decreased arsenic levels by 47 percent!

It’s important to be careful when using sea vegetables to detox the body. Trying to detox the body too fast can result in more harm than good. It’s best to start slowly when consuming sea vegetables and gradually increase the dose. This will give your body time to start flushing out the heavy metals and other toxins. Also, it’s important to support colon health when detoxifying the liver, because most toxins will eventually need to come out through the colon.

4. Fight cancer

Photo by Angiola Harry on Unsplash

Cancer is very common and is one of the leading causes of death in today’s society. It is estimated that around 1.8 million people contracted cancer in 2020, and over 600,000 of those people died from cancer.

One of the most well-researched benefits of sea vegetables is their ability to fight and prevent cancer. Multiple studies show that seaweed can fight cancer by inhibiting tumor growth, causing cancer cell suicide and preventing the formation of new blood vessels to those tumors.

Seaweed has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine to fight cancer. Furthermore, these Asian countries that consume large amounts of seaweed also have very few cases of cancer and heart disease. Thus, there seems to be a strong connection between seaweed consumption and low levels of cancer.

Sea vegetables contain powerful antioxidants and other compounds that give them the ability to fight cancer. These compounds include fucoxanthin, sulfated polysaccharides and polyphenols. Sea vegetables also contain large amounts of fiber, which helps cleanse the body of cancer-causing wastes.

5. Weight loss

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Obesity is an epidemic in today’s society. Studies show that almost 36 percent of the American population is obese. This means that more than one out of every three people in today’s society is obese. And many more people are overweight. This is an alarming trend that could easily be reversed through proper diet and lifestyle changes.

Many Americans are indeed searching for remedies to help them shed a few pounds. However, most Americans are turning to extreme diets and harsh training regimens that are simply not sustainable. Many people are able to lose a few pounds, but are unable to successfully keep the weight off.

Sea vegetables can be a key part of a healthy, sustainable weight loss plan. Sea vegetables contain moderate amounts of fiber, fat and protein and low amounts of carbohydrates and calories. This makes them a perfect food for losing weight and lowering blood sugar.

Sea vegetables are very effective at promoting feelings of fullness and satiety. Seaweed contains a type of soluble fiber called alginate, which has been shown to increase satiety levels. This helps prevent cravings and overeating.

Sea vegetables also support the thyroid hormone, which will help with weight loss. Increased levels of thyroid hormone will result in faster metabolism and thus greater weight loss.

Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

Sea vegetables are a true superfood. They are loaded with nutrients and help cleanse the body of toxins. They are excellent for supporting thyroid health because of their abundance of trace minerals. They are a great source of protein and DHA and EPA fatty acids for vegetarians. And they are a great addition to any weight loss plan.

However, it’s important to exercise caution when consuming sea vegetables. Though sea vegetables are extremely healthy, they also pose some potential dangers.

First, sea vegetables have the potential to contain large amounts of toxins and heavy metals. Sea vegetables are excellent at binding to toxins and can absorb many toxins in contaminated bodies of water. Thus, it’s important to ensure that your sea vegetables are pure and free of toxins.

Also, most sea vegetables contain large amounts of iodine. Even though iodine is an essential nutrient and important for thyroid function, too much iodine can be harmful to the body. Too much iodine is harmful to the thyroid and can actually cause low thyroid levels. Thus, it’s best to consume sea vegetables in moderation.

Another danger of sea vegetables is their potential to cause or exaggerate autoimmune conditions. Sea vegetables stimulate different pathways in the immune system, which can be problematic for someone who already has an overactive immune system. Sea vegetables have been reported to cause autoimmune reactions in some people, though more research needs to be conducted to validate these claims. However, because of these potential problems, it’s best for those with autoimmune conditions to avoid or limit sea vegetables.

It’s very important to purchase only high-quality sea vegetables that are free of toxins, heavy metals and other contaminants. Here are some tips for purchasing the highest quality sea vegetables:

1.Buy sea vegetables from a reputable company.

Always purchase sea vegetables from a company that is well-established and highly rated by most people. This will help ensure that that you are receiving high-quality and authentic products.

2. Purchase sea vegetables that are certified organic.

Always purchase sea vegetables that are USDA-certified organic. This ensures that the sea vegetables have met strict growing standards and are free of toxins, heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides.

3. Purchase sea vegetables that are 3rd party tested for purity.

In addition to purchasing organic sea vegetables, you should also make sure they are 3rd party tested for purity. This will further confirm that the sea vegetables are pure and free of contaminants. This testing will also protect you against the bias of individual companies.

4. Purchase sea vegetables that are grown and processed in a controlled environment.

Sea vegetables that are grown in the wild are more likely to contain contaminants and toxins. Thus, it’s always best to purchase sea vegetables that have been grown in carefully controlled environments that are GMP compliant. When sea vegetables are grown in controlled conditions they can be monitored for toxins and tested at many points during the growing process. This will help ensure the quality and purity of the vegetables.

5. Purchase sea vegetables that are 100 pure and do not contain any additives, fillers, colors, preservatives or allergens.

This may seem obvious, but you should always be careful that your sea vegetables do not contain any hidden ingredients. The only ingredient in your sea vegetables should be the sea vegetable itself!

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Fred Swartley
In Fitness And In Health

functional nutritionist. writer. finance guru. follower of Christ. subscribe to my health and wellness newsletter: swartley.fred@gmail.com