Ditch the Treadmill and Get Friendly with Weights If You Suffer from PCOS

To all my fellow cysters — losing weight is tough but not impossible

Eshal Rose
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by John Arano on Unsplash

Six years ago, my doctor informed me the ultrasound scan showed a 3.5 cm large cyst on my right ovary.

“You have a condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Unfortunately, there is no cure. It’s a lifestyle disease, and we can only help manage the symptoms.” she told me that day.

Being diagnosed with a lifestyle disease at 21 was not something I had comprehended. But I was, and I quickly realized that if I didn’t take matters into my own hands, I may not be able to conceive in the future.

Managing the symptoms required me to lose weight through exercise and making healthier choices for my diet. Doing a lot of cardio became my go-to workout regimen. It seemed to work for everyone else. What I failed to understand was that my body and hormones did not work like everyone else.

Many years of cardio and research later, I picked up weights for the first time. And that was when my body started to change.

Mindless cardio can make your symptoms worse



Eshal Rose
In Fitness And In Health

Transforming thoughts into words. I can be funny sometimes. Dentist/Writer. eshalrose28@gmail.com