Do You Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast?

Matt Ellis
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readAug 15, 2021
Photo by Lama Roscu on Unsplash

I am going to let you in on a secret, I have eaten ice cream for breakfast a few times and thoroughly enjoyed it.

One time I was in Cobar in regional NSW and had worked on a Friday night and after eating my dinner I wandered down the street and at the local supermarket they had green tea flavoured ice cream on special.

There was no way that I could eat a whole tub but the lure of the discounted price and the intrigue around green tea flavoured ice cream got the better of me and I convinced myself that only a fool would pass up an opportunity like this.

Those who know me well understand that I consume more than my fair share of green tea on a daily basis which may be a contributing factor to my need for rest stops when traveling though some have suggested it is more likely that I am just getting on in years.

Green tea ice cream is a totally new concept for me and I must admit I was not sure if it would be too much of a good thing so to speak. I mean I love green tea and I love ice cream but sometimes good things are left to themselves and by trying to mess with them in attempt to make them better, you can actually make things worse.

On return to my accommodation for the evening, I cracked open the fresh tub of ice cream and started tucking in. It was not magnificent which is probably my way of putting a positive spin on my purchase and I started making some solid inroads into this new dessert.

Being the sensible person that I am, of course I did not eat a whole tub of ice cream, that would be ridiculous, rather, I opted for the smart choice of leaving some for the next day.

My only issue was that I was working again at around 8am which meant my only option the following morning was to either leave the ice cream in the motel room freezer and go to waste or eat the rest.

Do you eat ice cream for breakfast?

Normally I would not eat ice cream for breakfast, I mean it goes against all of the scientific evidence around healthy eating. However, I am not someone who likes to see good food go to waste. After all, this was green tea ice cream, it had to be better than normal ice cream surely.

The next thing I knew I was shoveling the remains of last night’s dessert down my throat and breaking all of the health advice I had lived by for so long. Gee it felt liberating though, there was a sense of adventure about it and being normally very conservative in all areas, this was one of the loosest decisions I had made since my early twenties.

Off to work I went with a positive outlook and feeling optimistic about life in general. What a great way to start the day, everyone should try this, in fact why don’t I just do this everyday?

We all know the reasons why this is not a good idea. It does not require a University degree in Health Sciences to suspect ice cream for breakfast as enjoyable as it is, is not in the playbook of healthy humans.

Checking our phones first thing in the morning is a bit like eating ice cream for breakfast. Although we know it is not the most sensible option and we sometimes regret it after the fact, we keep going back to the well so to speak.

How is it that it is obvious not to eat ice cream for breakfast yet we think it is a healthy way to start our day by checking our phone?

Yes there is a pandemic and yes there may have been some breaking news while we were sleeping but surely the demands of our screens can wait. We need to give ourselves a chance to set up for success and our smart phones aren’t the answer.

We need some time to be still before we engage our brains with the worries of the world. As a parent of three children, there are enough demands to consume me without needing to add another layer from the content that the algorithm decides to show me when I log on to the social platforms.

If you are like me and needing some strategies to help with this temptation, here are some possible options:

  • Switch your phone off at night time if possible
  • Leave your phone in another part of the house
  • Reward yourself for not checking your phone
  • Buy an alarm clock so that you are not reliant on the alarm on your phone
  • Have someone ask you how your screen time is going

There are no doubt other creative strategies that you may like to implement as well.

As much as I loved eating ice cream for breakfast, I have been able to ensure that it has not become a habit. Yes I will no doubt indulge from time to time but it is an exception not a rule.

I hope that I can do the same when it comes to technology and I can resist the urge to check my phone in the morning unless I have very good reason to do so. I hope you can do the same.

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Matt Ellis
In Fitness And In Health

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