Does Alcohol Affect Weight Loss? You Betcha!
How one change can dramatically change your weight loss
“I lost 30 pounds and it’s all your fault.”
As a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, these words are usually music to my ears. But this greeting came from someone who wasn’t my client.
She was an acquaintance and former client (from 10+ years ago). We run into each other occasionally, and often our conversations meander around to weight, food, and health. For purposes of this article, I’ll call her Annie.
“Hooray,” I said, “What did you do?”
“I took your advice and stopped drinking.”
Wow! I often advise my weight-loss clients to stop drinking if they are serious about losing weight. It’s a rare moment when that advice is heeded, and the results are so tangible.
Annie didn’t drink to excess.
She is the president of a non-profit though, so wining and dining clients and donors is a regular part of her job. She attends events, dinners, and lunches regularly where she may have 1–2 drinks and maybe enjoy a beer or two on a weekend.
She’s Just Like You.