Does Your Body Need a Supplement? Signs to Watch For

Signs that show your body requires some support.

Sara William
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readDec 23, 2021


Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Our bodies work hard daily. They have to protect us from harm and injury and keep everything working as intended. This carefully perfected routine relies on proper nutrition at just the right intervals and in just the right amounts.

Since many of us often lack in one or more areas for one reason or another, our body’s carefully maintained schedule and routine start to slip! Is yours? Here are some of the top signs that your body requires some support.

Top signs that your body needs some supplementary support

Below are some of the most obvious signs that your body isn’t getting quite what it needs from your daily diet. Choosing a natural supplement in these suggested problem areas can help you manage these symptoms and address the underlying cause.

Fast and unexplained weight loss

Most people often find themselves fantasizing about weight loss, but sudden weight loss is never a good thing. It quite often means that your body is burning your fat stores for fuel to keep it functioning as it should be. If you notice weight simply “melting off” quickly and with seemingly no reason, this should be taken as a warning sign that our body needs reinforcements.

Feeling drained and tired even after rest

Ever wake up and feel drained and exhausted even after a restful sleep? You could be deficient in calcium or omega-3s. Both of these help support your bones, joints, and muscles. Without proper amounts of both, your body will feel physically drained and generally awful.

Dealing with brittle hair and nails

When you lack collagen and/or biotin, your hair and nails will both suffer. Your hair may lose its luster, and it’ll feel brittle and try to the touch. Boot your hair and nails will be much more prone to breakage, too. Some even notice their nails peeling and their scalp flaking.

You bruise easily

Some people simply “bruise like a peach,” it’s true. However, if you notice that you are bruising after even just a simple bump on a door frame when you wouldn’t usually, it could be a vitamin C deficiency. When we’re especially low on vitamin C, it takes very little for blood vessels underneath the skin to leak (which causes bruising).

You take forever to heal from an injury or wound

From a hangnail to pulling a muscle, injuries or wounds may take longer to heal when you have low vitamin C content. Yet another reason to help keep your monuments higher. Interestingly enough, you can also look t the idea of adding in collagen protein, which specifically helps heal injuries and wounds.

Your skin feels irritated

As your body depletes its nutrients, it looks for places where it can lessen the use and expenditure of those nutrients. One of the first things to be depleted is your skin! It becomes dehydrated and malnourished, and you’ll experience symptoms like itchiness, flaking, and potentially even bumps on the skin. As far as what nutrients to prioritize, you can choose anything from collagen protein to calcium to omega-3s, etc.

Your bathroom habits have changed

If you’re deficient in fiber or niacin, you will notice your bathroom habits will change. It’s no one’s favorite topic, of course, but it’s an important one. For some, it creates constipation and difficulty completing a successful bowel movement. For others, it could be diarrhea and the consistent need to go every 10 minutes with little or no warning.

Feeling cold all the time

Being deficient in either Vitamin B12 or iron can make you constantly feel cold. Quite often, you’ll feel like you are cold “from the inside,” meaning you are still shivering even if you are wrapped in a pile of blankets. Your body also has “better things to do” than waste precious nutrients on keeping your temperature regulated.

Selecting the best supplements

If you’re interested in health supplements, you’ll want to go with ones that rely on natural ingredients that are tailored to your needs. While multivitamins may have their place, going with targeted vitamins in those problem areas that you notice will give you better nutrient effectiveness.

Your body relies on your to give it what it needs to function at its best. In return, your body will take proper care of you — a classic symbiotic relationship if ever there was one!

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