Photo by Binyamin Mellish from Pexels

Don’t Make This Mistake in the Gym

Major injury awaits…


You’ve been in the gym for an hour, and so far you’ve had a great workout. You’ve pushed it really hard and the fatigue is starting to set in, but you only have a little bit more to do and then you get to cool down and go home. You unrack the bar for the last time today and start on that last set of 5 squats. You count down each rep, telling yourself that you’re almost there.

On the very last one, you relax just a little towards the bottom and you feel a twinge right where your lower back meets your butt in the sacrum area. You wake up the next day, unable to even get out of bed on your own because pain roars through the area when you move.

That’s not a made up story, it happened to me a few years back when I was making a comeback in powerlifting. It’s not the only time either. Just a couple of months ago, I injured a tendon in my finger (which is a major injury for a climber) because I spent an entire session projecting one climb, and then kept going after I normally would have finished.

You can make this mistake whether you’re a powerlifter or strongman throwing around huge weights, or an average gym goer who’s just trying to get stronger. The mistake I’m referring to, of course, is pushing too hard in your training sessions, just because it’s what your program says you’re…

