Essentials Oils and Their Everyday Benefits That We Often Overlook

Emily Rose
In Fitness And In Health
5 min readApr 14, 2021


Photo by Anshu A on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered how many of the items you allow into your body on a daily basis actually cause an equal amount of harm than good? A few years ago I returned to the States from living in China and decided to tackle a Master’s program. Moving to China after undergraduate studies had been something my sights were set on for many years. Pursuing a master’s degree, however, was not. Living and working in Asia directly following graduation was the thrill of a lifetime, as well as the experience I needed to grow up a bit. However, those of you who have experienced the thrills of living as an ex-pat can most likely empathize when I say that health can often take a backseat in the excitement of new adventures and cultural immersion.

Everyone’s stories are unique and for me, it wasn't until returning to the states that I realized the toll living abroad had taken on my health. Learning the importance of valuing our body’s health as a whole was something I learned the hard way. When we come to an understanding that self-care is not merely slowing our pace but rather allowing us space to more optimally live in the season we are at, we can create an environment of not simply improved efficiency in our routines but maximized and authentic living as a whole.



Emily Rose
In Fitness And In Health

Language Learner and Avid Traveler. Travel Advisor & Advocate of Wholesome Healing. Tiny Home & Minimal Living. Ghostwriter.