Everything You Need Know About the Covid-19 Vaccine

Anthony Vega
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readAug 30, 2021

As the Covid-19 vaccine is becoming more available to people around the U.S. people may have questions or concerns about the vaccine or might not know what to expect when getting it. This article will educate you on the covid-19 vaccine and what to expect when (if) you receive it.

Am I actually getting a small amount of Covid-19 in the vaccine?

No, when receiving a covid-19 vaccine it sends covid-19 messenger RNA, so basically, a trigger that makes your body think it is the actual virus (a messenger but not the actual virus).

How many doses will I get?

Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have 2 doses. The first dose is approximately 40% effective and the second dose is approximately 95% effective (after receiving the first and second doses).

How long until you can receive the second dose (after the first dose)?

With the Pfizer vaccine, you can receive the second dose 21 days after you receive the first dose and with the Moderna vaccine, you can receive the second dose 28 days after you receive the first dose.

How long will it take to build immunity?

After receiving the vaccine it typically takes a few weeks for your body to build immunity against covid-19.

How effective is the vaccine?

Both the Moderna and Pitzer vaccines show to be approximately 95% effective.

Will I get sick?

Maybe, If you are getting a two-dose vaccine it is possible that both doses of the vaccine could covid symptoms usually with the second dose’s symptoms being more intense. Your symptoms could include any of the symptoms of covid-19 from fatigue to fever or chills (symptoms of covid-19). A vaccine works by tricking the body into thinking that it is the actual virus and then mounting an immune defense to stop the “virus”(the vaccine sends a covid-19 messenger not the actual virus), so the symptoms come from the vaccine or your body’s reaction to the virus in the vaccine. Usually, the arm in which you received the vaccine will be sore but this isn’t a symptom of covid-19 (from the vaccine).

Will I get a fever?

Maybe, getting the vaccine could cause fever due to the immune response that your body is mounting against the vaccine.

Can I take painkillers before the vaccine?

No, taking painkillers before any vaccine might interfere with the very thing the vaccine is trying to do: generate a strong immune system response. (If your doctor has told you to take painkillers, DO NOT stop taking them unless your doctor has told you to).

Can I take painkillers after the vaccine?

No, it is better to avoid painkillers altogether when getting the covid-19 vaccine. This applies even if you have covid-19 symptoms from the virus because it interferes with the very thing the vaccine is trying to do which is generating a strong immune response against the acute amount of virus in the vaccine.

Should I get the vaccine if I have already had Covid-19?

Yes, even though you receive natural immunity after having covid-19 it is unclear how long it lasts, so you should receive the vaccine as reinforcement of immunity. If you have had covid-19, wait until 90 days after your diagnosis to receive the vaccine.

Can I get the vaccine if I currently have covid?

No, if you have had covid-19 or currently have covid-19 wait 90 days after your diagnosis to receive the vaccine.

Can I transmit Covid-19 after receiving the vaccine?

It is currently not known whether or not you can transmit covid-19 after receiving the vaccine.

Can I get the vaccine if I have recently received a different vaccine?

It depends, it is advised that you wait 14 days after receiving a vaccine to receive another vaccine (this applies to the covid-19 vaccine as well).

Can I get the vaccine if I have received Covid-19 antibodies or plasma?

It depends, it is advised that you wait 90 days after receiving Covid-19 antibodies or plasma because it is not yet known how they interact together.

If you are hesitant about receiving the Covid-19 vaccine then you should think about and think of a good time to receive it in case you get symptoms from it. If you have any questions about the vaccine don’t be afraid to call your doctor. Thank you for reading the article. Stay happy and healthy.

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