Evolve Or Die Mediocre

Rediscovering your hunger for greatness

Joey I.
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readApr 21, 2021


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Everyone who goes to the gym, goes there for a reason. We all started somewhere, with a problem we wanted to solve. And getting that perfect body or transforming ourselves seemed like the answer. Some of us hated what we saw in the mirror others saw potential and a blank canvas to build on, what was it for you?

For me it all started at the age of 16. Young, dumb and heartbroken.

Looking back on it, my problems in life were so trivial. I didn't have rent to pay, I wasn't in any physical danger and I had my whole life ahead of me. But in the moment all I saw was a miserable future and a dwindling will to live. I had just experienced my first break up and nothing I did could help me get over it. It lasted for months, I wouldn't get out of bed till the late afternoon, I was missing classes and nothing mattered.

Apart from one thing!

Lifting weights. My only escape from my miserable life was the gym. When I lifted the barbell off my chest I was also lifting the figurative weight off of my mind. In that moment I though of nothing but making sure my last rep was done.

It gave me discipline, routine and a will to live. Gym was my life.

Of course as I kept training and making progress I also progressed in other parts of my life. Over the years, that one habit was the pivotal change that literally allowed me to progress and become the best in everything I do. I have a 6 figure job with no qualifications, I have a strong healthy relationship and my family will never want for anything as long as I'm around.

The oxymoron of all of this is that now that I'm doing well in everything else, I feel like I don't have enough time to focus on working out. My gains are lacking and so is my motivation to train.

A lot of us fall into this trap. We evolve and grow so much that we forget why we started in the first place. It becomes lifeless, we turn up, go through the motions and go home. Our cheat meals become our staples, our personal bests become our plateaus and our bodies remain stagnant.

The solution for this is to remember why we started in the first place. Take yourself back to the place where you needed the gym. Where it was the place where you created your life, where you sculpted your body and your mind to become the best. Where nothing else mattered.

Take yourself back there and look at your current problems. All of us can do with more discipline. We can all become a little more grounded and push ourselves that little but further. Look at how far you've come, look forward and see how far you can go. Your life doesn't stop here so treat your body that way. Keep feeding your hunger to evolve.

Remember your weaknesses and remember why you don't want to go back there.

Evolve or die mediocre!

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