
Exploring The Science Behind Essential Oils And Their Potential Therapeutic Effects

Can they actually do what they claim?

Kathia Jurado
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

Not science-based.

Or backed.

Is that what came to mind when you read this headline?

If so, you’re not alone in that. Two-thirds of Americans would agree with you based on this poll.

And it’s completely understandable as the industry is unregulated, but with new studies coming out, promising results show they may be worth trying out.

Breaking Down Essential Oils

What are they first of all?

They are highly concentrated compounds extracted from herbs, shrubs, trees, flowers, fruits, roots, and bark in their living state most commonly through steam distillation.

There are various other extraction methods but steam distillation is the most famous as it’s able to yield quality oils quickly. Because of that, this process also possesses a large capacity to produce essential oils at industrial scales.

What Makes Them “Essential”?

Essential oils contain the key components of the plant’s immune system that help a plant grow and thrive.

These components work in various ways, from protecting the plant from bacterial and viral infections, healing injuries, repelling unwanted predators, and helping deliver nutrients to the cells.

That’s what makes them “essential” in the sense that they help the plant survive, literally.

But these components and phytochemicals aren’t only beneficial to the plant but to people too.

What’s The Science Behind Their Influence?

When inhaled, essential oil molecules travel through the nose to the olfactory nerve but you might ask okay, so what?

The so what is that essential oils are one of the few substances that can cross the blood-brain barrier which can make them highly potent.

What is the blood-brain barrier?

As the name implies, this “barrier” is made up of endothelial cells that protect the brain from pathogens and toxins in the blood. Now, essential oils are fat soluble so they dissolve in fat. Because the brain is fat and fat prefers fat, fat-soluble substances like essential oils are extremely effective in passing freely through the capillary wall and into brain tissue.

Why is this important?

If a substance can squeeze through and bypass that barrier, then it can affect you neurologically.

Consider for example, what happens when you are administered anesthesia through inhalation. Or when someone does drugs like cocaine or marijuana, why do you think they’re so effective?

This is because those drugs are highly lipophilic or fat-soluble as well as general inhalation anesthetics.

The Lavender Effect

Ever wondered why lavender is a common ingredient in sleeping aids? Or touted as a relaxing scent?

Just one whiff of lavender will cause its scent molecules to travel from the olfactory nerves directly to the brain. There, it interacts with the limbic system, which regulates emotions, memories, and sensations.

If you’re stressed, deeply breathing this oil in for a few minutes may instantly bring a cloud of comfort over you.


This is because a component of lavender (linalool) in this case, has been shown to activate the calming effect of GABA which is a chemical messenger known to help calm us down when stressed.

And this is just lavender oil, but many other oils have the power to influence chemical signals and activate, inhibit, or modulate the impact of other chemical messengers.

In other words, they’re powerful enough to induce states of relaxation or give a needed boost of energy, depending on the oil type.

Benefits And How To Use Them

Essential oils can be used in various ways, be it topically, orally, or most commonly, through diffusion or direct inhalation.

Though their effectiveness is still being researched, we now know through previous studies that they can be at least influential, to what degree depends on the usage method, dosage, quality, etc.

Through those studies, they were also found to be,

Though to reap all the benefits of essential oils, they must be high quality. Because the industry is not regulated, it’s important to find reputable sources that sell quality oils and know how to spot fakes.

When searching for oils either in person or online, you want to look out for:

  • Whether the botanical name is listed (usually listed in Latin)
  • If it’s been tested by a third party
  • If the label states it’s 100% pure (not diluted)

For a quick list of reputable essential oil companies, check here.

What’s The Best Way To Use Them?

Many choose to go the diffusion route but you can also ingest them (though it’s not highly recommended) or use them topically. Though if ingesting, please exercise extreme caution and also consult with a qualified herbalist, naturopath, or aromatherapist.

If diffusing, you want to ensure you’re using a high-quality diffuser depending on your budget and how much of a therapeutic effect you want.

This is because most commercial diffusers in the market are plastic based and contain a water reservoir to create a mist from the water and essential oil mixture. While these are relatively affordable, the therapeutic effect from these is lower compared to higher-quality diffusers.

Wrapping Up

I always thought that essential oil enthusiasts were half cuckoo and half lying when I’d hear them swear up and down how “magical” these oils were for them.

But after researching them and testing them out personally, it’s been a pleasant surprise finding out how impactful they can be. But just because they’re natural doesn’t mean they’re 100% safe. They are, after all, concentrated essences of plants.

With that, they should be respected and until more research is done, it may only be a matter of time before public opinion on these changes.

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only, it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, or, diagnose any disease or condition. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way. For health concerns, please consult your local provider or practitioner.



Kathia Jurado
In Fitness And In Health

Content writer sharing methods and resources on how to improve your personal and mental wellness. Stay connected: