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Mary Chang Story Writer
In Fitness And In Health
13 min readApr 6, 2021


Photo of the author. “This is 50!”

My mirror self-talk (my journey from taking my first 10,000 steps to entering the 2020 Ms Health & Fitness Contest)

Two years ago, when I glanced at my reflection in the mirror during a yoga class a few months before my 49th birthday, my inner voice warned me not to give in to my negative self-image perceptions. I needed to embrace my love handles, welcome wrinkles, sprouts of random white hair, and accept that I won’t fit into my favorite jeans. I told myself, this is my next chapter — acceptance, parental fatigue, and settling down into middle age.

But I wasn’t ready for that chapter, so I re-wrote my story.

Don’t let yourself go. Let go of your self-doubt.

A part of me was crying out against giving in and letting myself go. Instead, I told myself to try harder. Because what I needed more was to fight for who I am, challenge myself to become a stronger, fiercer, healthier version of myself, and reclaim my feisty spirit.



Mary Chang Story Writer
In Fitness And In Health

Finding shine through exercise, nature & people stories. Fueled by cartwheels, open water swimming & grit. Kid at ❤️