Fat Burning Workouts Are Just Workouts

Does a high-intensity workout burn more fat than a low-intensity workout?

Kiki Joy
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

You see High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts described as being a “fat-burning” workout. But you also see running and weight lifting described as being “fat-burning” workouts. So which is it?

Does a high-intensity workout burn more fat than a low-intensity workout?

Sorry to break it to you, but it doesn’t really matter what type of workout you do to burn the fat on your body to lean out or lose weight. A high-intensity workout doesn’t necessarily do a better job at burning more fat than a low-intensity workout.

The green zone, orange zone, red zone, and fat-burning zone we’re all too familiar with on almost any cardio equipment.

There is no special fat-burning zone that is going to get you lean.

Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Your body uses a combination of carbohydrates and fat as it’s energy sources. That combination changes depending on what you are doing. At rest, your body uses primary fat for energy. When you are exercising intensely, your body will shift its source of energy…



Kiki Joy
In Fitness And In Health

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition. Lover of all things travel, food, health, and fitness related. Let’s build wellness rather than treating disease.