Finding Creative Ways To Walk More Steps Without Taking Extra Time

Healthy life and busy life can go together

Harsha Agarwal
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readJun 25, 2023


Image by Cyril Nowakowski on PlaygroundAI

10,000 steps. Every single day (almost).

Yes, that’s me. Over the last eight months, I have averaged 9900 steps each day. And let me tell you my experience in two words: It’s tough.

Tough because it pains physically (at least, to begin with).

But the real challenge is it takes a lot of time. And being a working professional, you hardly have the luxury to spare hours covering steps.

Luckily, I discovered some ways to squeeze steps into my current schedule without putting in extra time.

So keep away your traditional thinking hats and put your foot in the game.

3 simple ways to incorporate more walking into your daily activities

Everyone is busy.

Nobody has the time to do ‘extra’ things. But the thing about time is that you never have it. You have to find it.

And this is how you do it:

1. Take walking breaks

Walking breaks will be the new smoke breaks.

And there’s a good reason for that. I mean, you get so much out of walking breaks and have nothing to lose. It's a win-win.

The key here is to wire your brain for walking breaks.

Instead of sitting and doing nothing, take your ass off the chair and go take a walk.

How to do it?

  • Walk when you are bored.
  • Walk for 5–10 minutes after every meal.
  • Walk for a few minutes after every hour of work.
  • Walk when you are scrolling social media or consuming content online.

2. Schedule walking meetings

Yes, walking meetings are a thing.

And the good thing about them is your creative juices are in full swing as you walk and discuss ideas.

Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

How to do it?

  • Walk during meetings that do not require your active participation.
  • Pick walking meetings where you have to brainstorm ideas.
  • If you are working remotely, walk during meetings not requiring you on video.

3. Use stairs instead of elevators

I live on the fourth floor of a building that does not have an elevator.

I used to crib about it, but now that I think, it was a blessing in disguise. Taking stairs is the reason my family is a lot more fit compared to our peers.

Taking the stairs is also a good workout for the heart.

How to do it?

  • Go halfway through the stairs and halfway through the elevator.
  • If you are alone, as opposed to being with a group, go for the stairs.
  • Getting down the stairs is easier compared to getting up. So at least use them for one side.

Optimizing your environment to encourage more walking and movement

I cannot stress enough, the importance of designing your environment in a way that reminds you to walk and move often.

So here are a few changes you can make to adopt a healthier lifestyle:

1. Tracking steps on a smartwatch or phone

Before I had a smartwatch, I was averaging 4500 steps a day.

Once I started tracking them with my watch, I felt accountable and somehow had a burning desire to reach my daily goal of 10,000 steps.

The trick is: the more often you check your tracker, the more you are reminded of completing your daily step target.

2. Setting visual reminders and cues

You cannot ignore something that is staring back at you for the last 3 hours. Can you?

This is how visual reminders in your environment force you to act on them.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Put up sticky notes in your workstation.
  • Keep walking essentials like shoes, earphones, and water bottles in your eyesight.
  • Set up digital reminders or alarms on your phone to walk now and then.

4 unconventional ways to help you accumulate steps without traditional walking

1. Active commute

Four years ago, I was in Mumbai for my internship.

I was stuck in the deadly city traffic for too long on the road leading to my office. The ticking clock forced me to get off the cab and walk the remaining distance of 800 meters.

Of course, this was a bad situation and not a choice.

But how about making this your choice? You could design a work commute involving a tad bit of walking.

It would not hurt.

2. Cardio Exercises

I am a fitness enthusiast but not pro-cardio.

I lift weights and put aside one day a week for cardio. On that day, my step tracker shows anywhere between 5000 to 6000 steps after an hour of cardio.

This is a simple way to increase your step count and add variety.

3. Household Chores

Yes, we do not like it — but it has to be done. Duh!

Instead of fussing about it, why not use it to your advantage and take up chores that require you to move from one place to the other?

Activities like dusting, cleaning, and mopping will not only clean your home but also add extra steps to your daily count.

4. Walking Phone calls

We tend to spend hours on phone calls and chats with our loved ones.

This is one occasion where you are relaxed and do not need a strong mental focus. Which means there is no better time than this to walk.

You walk, talk, and get closer to your daily step target.

Sweet deal!

That being said, remember these tips will come in handy only when you are determined and motivated.

You have to constantly be on the lookout for opportunities to add more steps.

Active living requires you to be purposeful.

And it all begins with YOU.



Harsha Agarwal
In Fitness And In Health

I ghostwrite Educational Email Courses and Twitter Threads for Health and Fitness Startups.