Fitness Is the New Philosophy

How physical activity unlocks mindfulness

Scott Mayer
In Fitness And In Health


Credit: Jesper Aggergaard on Unsplash

I see an old man with curly white hair and a scruffy beard.

He’s dressed casually, sitting comfortably, head resting in the palm of his hand. He’s lost in thought, eyes squinting straight ahead. His face is a myriad of lines and wrinkles, etched deep from years of quiet contemplation.

If you had asked me previously what a philosopher looked like, this would’ve been my answer.

Today I see a different man.

He’s dressed casually, but not sitting comfortably. Think athletic shoes, mesh shorts and a polyester t-shirt. Maybe a hat. Definitely earbuds. He’s lost in the moment rather than in thought, eyes staring straight ahead. His face is a series of faces, rising and falling with every breath he takes.

He’s out for a run. Or at the gym. Or doing pushups in his living room. defines philosophy as “the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence”.

If you practice fitness regularly, you practice philosophy.

Here’s why.

The fundamental nature of knowledge

