Five Simple Ways To Say Goodbye To Belly Fat For Good

Belly fat seems to be the most “hated” part of the body for both men and women.

Ange Dim
In Fitness And In Health


Image purchased by Freepik

The constant lockdown periods have forced everyone to move less and possibly eat more of what they should not.

I’m not even considering the stress and anxiety of lost income, children at home and illness.

The good news is that there are a few quick and straightforward steps to put you on the right path.

Five kick start ways to say goodbye to belly fat for good.

Rule One: Slow down & de-stress:

I know you are probably thinking — Ange, is this all? Well, yes, but do you understand how hard it is for people to de-stress and slow down?

I’m included in this one too!

At one stage or another, we may experience prolonged stress levels that are inflammatory and cause us to burn even less body fat.


When you are constantly in the “flight or fight” mode, the body releases glucose into the blood to prepare you for a challenging situation. When the adrenaline wears off, the blood glucose levels drop, giving your brain signals of hunger and…



Ange Dim
In Fitness And In Health

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: