Four Ways To Increase Fat Loss & Keep Your Appetite Under Control

Hunger ruins the best intentions when you’re trying to lose weight.

Ange Dim
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

When I was a “calorie & portion reducer”, hunger seemed to rule my world — day in day out.

I would offset this by chewing gum and drinking lots of water all the time.
It became a vicious circle.

The truth is that any food reduction will immediately trigger the body’s hunger to keep that setpoint of food consumption in balance.

The same occurs when you eat less. Your body then decides to hold onto the food, store it as body fat, or use it for energy.

There are a few ways to reduce your food portions without causing too many hunger rumbles and junk food daydreams. I have tried these myself, and I will give my most practical and easily adaptable advice that anyone can use in their daily lives.

Four ways to increase fat loss & keep your appetite under control

Option One: Eat more protein sources

Protein has the natural ability to diminish hunger pangs and keep you full for extended periods.



Ange Dim
In Fitness And In Health

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: