Here’s How Working Out Completely Changed Me

How fitness can help you transform your life

Ayush Jha
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readMar 31, 2023


Photo by Mark Bertulfo on Unsplash

I’ll never be the same person again. Thanks to the gym.

Most creators don’t lie when they tell you that working out can literally change your life.

It has major effects on the lives of people.

The reason most people don’t see its benefits is that they never stick with it for long enough. They give up too soon to see any change.

When you zoom out of the picture of just looking better, you realize there’s more to fitness than just six-pack abs or huge muscles.

It can rewire your brain to do things you struggle to do. It can teach you to work harder.

I’ve been regularly working out regularly since Nov 2017. I’m not muscular or anything. That is not my goal. My goal was to improve my body composition slowly and stay fit and healthy, mentally and physically. And here’s how working out changed my life:

It Helped Me Gain Confidence

As a skinny teenager who got bullied for years, I had lost all my self-belief and confidence. I would see myself as a loser who can’t do anything.

Not going to lie; I still feel the same way sometimes. But it’s way lesser as compared to my teenage years.

The main concern I had was I used to look like a thin stick walking around. I was made fun of by relatives, seniors, juniors, classmates, friends, teachers, etc.

Suicidal thoughts were common but still, I managed to hang in there. And one day I found out how many people had gone through the same things in their childhood.

They changed their life through the gym. I got motivated and started working out. Since then, I’ve put on sizable muscles. As I said earlier, my goal is not to get as muscular as possible. It is to stay healthy and fit.

I have gained an appropriate amount of weight according to my goals. And that has helped me immensely. My clothes fit well. People don’t look at me the same way. Instead, they ask for fitness tips.

I have gotten multiple compliments as well on my looks. But the reason behind my confidence is not external validation. It’s the internal belief that I can achieve anything. It’s the confidence that I’m capable of doing more and how the world sees me doesn’t matter.

Going to the gym has helped me heal physically and mentally. I’ve learned to take care of my body and my health. I feel more confident than ever.

Try it for yourself and see the effects.

I’ve Become Intentional About My Food Choices

Since starting to work out I’ve become more intentional about what I put in my body. Earlier, I used to eat any food that I saw knowing that I should be eating healthier. I always wanted to eat some kind of junk food.

The result?

I used to suffer from multiple health problems at once. But since starting working out, I’ve realized the value of health. Now, I consume whole and healthy foods that help me keep my energy levels up.

I hardly ever suffer from any health issues nowadays. More importantly, I’m able to perform tasks that need high energy. I can walk a lot. I can lift heavy weights.

Our health is more important than ever. People are dying at a younger age. They are suffering from many health issues.

If we want to live a healthier and happier life, we must prioritize our health.

Health is wealth. Take care of it through healthy nutrition.

I’m A Lot More Disciplined

Discipline is a key factor that decides the success of a person. Every area of your life needs consistent effort and discipline. But in the era of instant gratification, most people give up on their goals if they don’t see results right away.

Just having discipline can set you apart from the rest of your competition. The main challenge is to have that discipline. That’s where working out comes in.


Achieving any fitness goal requires enormous time and effort. It will take you months and possibly years (depending on your goal) to see results.

The same happened to me. To achieve my goal, I had to work hard for years before I saw that I was making improvements. Considering the fact that I hardly ever missed a workout, I realized why discipline is crucial.

So, now with every goal I worked towards, I give it enough time. I put in the work on a consistent basis. I can do that for years even if I don’t see results. Just doing that will keep me ahead of most people.

If you want to achieve any goal. Get disciplined. How do you become more disciplined? Go to the gym on a regular basis.

Lifting can change your life in many ways. Just give it time.

Stay fit. Stay healthy.

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Ayush Jha
In Fitness And In Health

The Digital Writer | I write about health and personal development - | Contact for writing gigs -