Here’s Why You Can’t Eat Just 1 Cheese Puff

How to outsmart processed food

Stephanie Thurrott
In Fitness And In Health


“Maybe just one,” said no one ever. (Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay)

As a writer for NBC, I’ve interviewed a bunch of people who have lost a lot of weight. Some were so overweight that they couldn’t keep up with their kids. Some were dealing with serious health issues. And some were missing out on their bucket-list adventures.

When I asked them what led to their weight gain, here are the answers I didn’t get, ever:

  • “I used so much olive oil when I was sauteing my vegetables.”
  • “I would just sit on the couch after a long day and eat my way through an entire bag of avocados.”
  • “Every time I stopped at 7-Eleven I’d grab another bottle of water. I couldn’t stop drinking them.”

Nope. What they overate was almost always highly processed food. Fast food burgers and fries. Potato chips and crunchy snacks. Sugary soda.

Here’s why you overeat processed foods

There are a few reasons it’s so easy to overeat fast food, highly processed foods, and sugary drinks.

Researchers engineer them to be delicious and addictive. You’ll almost never find sugar and fat together in the same foods in nature. That’s what researchers found in a study led by experts in psychology and obesity…



Stephanie Thurrott
In Fitness And In Health

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