Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Wake Up Early

Waking up at 4 am can decrease your quality of life

Ayush Jha
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readMar 5, 2023


Photo by Isabella Fischer on Unsplash

Waking up early can prove to be counterproductive.

The internet is all about morning routines. The self-help gurus make it look like the most amazing thing in the world. The crazy thing is people actually believe them. They think they can achieve all the success in the world only if they wake up earlier.

The truth is very far away from that. While from the outside it may seem that you get more time to get the necessary work done, the reality is different. If you zoom out, you’ll see that there are 24 hours in a day. Waking up early won’t change that fact.

There have been phases where I’ve woken up as early as 4:45 am in the morning. Here are things that I’ve found to be the negatives.

Going To Bed Sooner Is Not Realistic For Most People

The world of self-improvement often gives advice that’s only half true. Waking up early is only effective when you have actually slept as early as possible. If you go to bed late and wake up early then you will feel sluggish and tired throughout the day.

The simple advice here can be,

just sleep early bruh.

The things we do and the habits we have eats away most of our evening time. If you do nothing else then sure you can sleep early. But most people stay occupied and busy with their daily tasks.

We need time in the evenings for spending time with family, cooking dinner, watching a movie, etc.

A person can’t do these things in the morning or afternoon due to work or school commitments. It’s not realistic for most people to go the bed at 9 pm.

You Will Feel Sleepy Throughout The Day

If you’re not able to go to bed early then even if you do manage to wake up early you’ll still feel tired. You’ll feel sleepy throughout the day because you didn’t sleep enough.

The general advice is to sleep 7–9 hours every night depending on the age and activity level of a person. Anything below takes a big toll on your health and energy levels.

There have been days when I slept for 7.5 hours and still felt sleepy and tired. I wasn’t able to focus or put my energy into any work.

Don’t even ask me about the days when I got less than that. It was a nightmare for my health. In the world of all the hustle and bustle, we often forget about our health. It is the most important aspect of our well-being.

It is a major element of taking your life forward, and you must prioritize it at all costs.

You Will Stress Over Going To Sleep

I remember that I used to leave a meaningful conversation because I had to sleep early. I always stressed over it. I wasn’t able to go for a walk because it might take a good chunk of my time.

Sleep was always my focus. The evenings were shorter. I was in bed while my family had a great time talking to each other and having fun. This affected my time spent with them.

It also made me stress more as I needed complete silence while sleeping. I also used to eat way before everyone else.

This is a major drawback because you have many important things to do and you shouldn’t miss many of them. Most of the gatherings and social activities take place in the evenings.

Introverts like me prefer to watch movies, read books, play games, or chill at night. Ditching these activities can prove to be a bad decision for our well-being.

Over everything else stressing over the simplest life element like sleep is not good. There are already enough stressful things in our life. You should always stick to a routine that is sustainable for you.

Wrapping It Up

There is nothing bad with waking up early. But there’s also nothing so great that your whole “self-improvement” journey depends on it. You can get the same work done without needing to wake up early because everyone has 24 hours every day.

You’ll have enough time in the day or night (if you’re a night owl) to do all the work if you don’t oversleep.

I have experimented with waking up early as well as late. Neither of them suited my lifestyle. Now, I always wake up at a comfortable time to make sure I get enough sleep without needing to rush in the morning.

Do what works for you. If you can wake up at 3 am to start your day then great do it by all means. If you want to sleep at 3 am, then sure it’s your decision. Just don’t brag about it. It may work for you but not for everyone.

Get enough sleep. Ignore the timings. Have a schedule. Be healthy.

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Ayush Jha
In Fitness And In Health

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