Hit the Reset Button on Your Fitness

If you’ve noticed that you’re not making gains in your fitness, it’s time to hit the reset button.

Michael Horner
In Fitness And In Health


Hit the reset button in your fitness. Photo by Jose Antonio Gallego Vazquez on Unsplash

Have you ever had a computer, laptop or tablet and it starts to slow down? Every time you try and work on the device, you get more and more frustrated and want to throw it out the window.

Finally, in a fit of frustration, you get ahold of one of your techie friends. They do everything they can, but finally it’s time to do the unthinkable. So you save all your important data someplace safe.

Then you reset the device to the factory settings. What happens is that all the things that you’ve added to the device get erased and only the things that were on the device originally is all that is left.

Our bodies need the same thing if we’re going to see the break through we so long for in our fitness levels.

The only reason you will not hit the reset button on your fitness is that you are afraid of losing the fitness level you have currently. I’m going to try and convince you not to give in to fear.

The Biggest Reason to Hit Reset



Michael Horner
In Fitness And In Health

Full-time business person, ultra-runner, writer, and podcaster. I exist in the world of YOU CAN! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mikehornern