How a Philosopher (Not an Athlete) Inspired Me to Build an Exercise Habit

Yep, a philosopher. It’s old man Socrates.

Adam Erland
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Alexander Redl on Unsplash

When it comes to fitness and health, many people find inspiration from watching their favorite athletes.

Humans learn through imitation, and witnessing professional athletes in action makes you want to be like them, which then ignites your motivation and inspires you to start training.

When you see Cristiano Ronaldo play soccer, for example, you can’t help but admire his skills and want to learn them yourself. When you watch basketball, you might feel the same way with Stephen Curry. If you prefer tennis, Rafael Nadal is your man. MMA? Conor McGregor it is.

Choose whatever sport you like, and the list goes on.

But inspiration can come from anywhere if you’d look for it, even in places deemed unlikely. For some people, inspiration is not found in professional athletes, but fitness influencers on Instagram. For others, it could even be fictional characters from comic books or Hollywood movies.

As for me, I found my inspiration in a philosopher.

Fitness vs Philosophy

What do you think of when you hear someone say “philosophy”?

