Anxiety is the real deal.

How Fitness Gaming Helped Me in an Anxiety Battle

Envy a good night sleep? Read this article now!

Ludi F
In Fitness And In Health
6 min readApr 22, 2021


Fitness Gaming turned my life around, from miserable to optimistic. Since I started exercising with the help of a console, I am in a much better place than I used to be. Exercise does not cure anxiety, but it does help to cope with it better.

It all started in October. I was having issues falling asleep. In my whole life of several decades, I never had sleeping problems, like ever. There I was, lying down night after night, not able to sleep. At best, I would get four hours of sleep a night. I was suffering from anxiety, but I did not know it yet.

By Christmas, I was exhausted. In early January, I had an incident. I was 100% sure I had a heart attack. All symptoms were book solid. After an ambulance ride to the hospital, many tests and three weeks of follow-ups with a cardiologist, my hospital papers stated — the cardiovascular system is in perfect condition.

By then, several friends and family members suggested that I have anxiety. I was in denial. In my opinion, I was not overstressed by any means and coping with my day to day life just fine, well, apart from sleeping.

In reality, my body was screaming at me — enough, please do something and fix your head so that I can function.



Ludi F
In Fitness And In Health

Writing Enthusiast. Research Nerd. Life Explorer. Digital Water Expert.