How Fitness Helped Me Stay Sober

And It Can Help You Too

Clark Webb
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by DJ Johnson on Unsplash

Call it whatever you will. Alcohol use disorder, alcoholism, a drinking problem, or an addiction, quitting alcohol can be a real struggle.

It is a struggle to accept that there might be a problem. It is a struggle to quit. It can be a struggle to not relapse. It is a struggle to fit in when no one seems to understand. The struggle is real because sobriety is hard, but the struggles do not have to go on forever even if it feels like they do at first.

I know I talk a lot about the emotional, mental, and spiritual tools needed to support the sober journey, but I’m also a CrossFit coach. I feel remiss if I don’t share some of my journey with you because of today’s topic.

So please keep reading because I think what I have to share can help you on your sober journey.

Staying Sober Within The Pain

Fitness is a big part of my life. I’ve been coaching CrossFit for over a decade, but I was living a double life until I got sober in 2017.

I would coach and work out during the day, but then binge drink in secrecy to mute the emotional pain and toxicity I was afraid to face. So when I got sober, I was a hot mess both inside and out. I had taken a year off from coaching and working out, but I…



Clark Webb
In Fitness And In Health

The Sober Webb: a recovered drinker and writer focusing on the benefits of an alcohol free life, recovery, healing, and wellness in mind, body and spirit.