How I Addressed a Prostate Problem With Weight Loss, Diet — And Prayer

The discovery of a high-risk lesion on my prostate gave me the biggest scare of my life.

David Welburn
In Fitness And In Health


A concerned-looking man, sitting on a wooden chair.
Photo by cottonbro studio:

It started just under three years ago. I noticed that my feet had become very swollen and puffy. I didn’t know why this should happen, but I didn’t do anything about it for quite some time. I just hoped they would go back to normal. But they didn’t.

Eventually, I decided to call my doctor, to see if we could find out what the problem was. I went for an examination and some tests. They found I had non-visible blood in my urine, but all the blood tests came back normal. The doctor said I might have a problem with my heart or my kidneys, so he referred me to the cardiologist and the urologist at my local hospital.

I went for various tests, including a cystoscopy, which was a painful and uncomfortable procedure, despite the local anesthetic. Again, everything was normal. So, just as an afterthought, the urologist decided to test my PSA (prostate-specific antigen), just in case.

That was when it got serious.

A Problem With My Prostate

My PSA result came back at a level of 5.0. That is high, so it meant I had to have further tests.



David Welburn
In Fitness And In Health

Fitness Instructor with over 45 years of lifting experience. Former Biomedical Scientific Officer. Top writer in Health.