How I Burn Fat and Build Muscle Without Going to the Gym

Health has always been one of my top priorities

Oliver Romsen
In Fitness And In Health


“Good health is the crown on a well person that only a sick man can see.” Robin Sharma

I’m very thankful that, while people the same age or younger than me have started developing medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and gout, among others, I’ve managed to avoid illness and stayed in prime shape the past six years. I credit this to balanced nutrition and superior training programs developed by world-class trainers.

Image by the author taken on August 2014 (left) and December 2014 (right)

But I wasn’t always in tip-top shape.

Just like in 2014.

I moved from Singapore to Norway. I had difficulty finding a job and was unemployed for over a year. A gym membership was the last thing on my mind since I already had a baby on the way and finding employment was my topmost priority.

This meant I gained a bit of weight in about a year of physical inactivity, wasting years of hard work in the gym.

But just like any other obstacle in life, I had to find a way around, over, or through it if I wanted to continue to burn fat and build muscle. So I decided to start working out at home.

The good news is, it is possible to get good results. Whether you’re a beginner or an…

