How I Lost 5% Body Fat in 3 Months Without Counting My Macros or Dieting

Losing fat should not be a punishment but a lifestyle

Desiree Peralta
In Fitness And In Health


First picture Jan 25, second picture March 7— By the author

After exercising for about five years, I finally started taking the gym seriously and how my body looked. In the last three months, I lost 5% of body fat, a goal I never thought possible without becoming a gym rat or starving to death.

Desiree Measurements — by the author

One of the main reasons I’ve never been consistent or seen any real results in these years I’ve been exercising is that I didn’t like the obsession and extreme lifestyle of being fit and dieting.

Many people count precisely how many calories and macros they eat in the day and get frustrated if they don’t reach their goal one day. Others start a diet that is extremely difficult to follow and start having eating disorders, and others go to the gym every day for hours and then feel completely exhausted and overwhelmed after three months of starting their journey.

I didn’t want to be one of those people, which is why I never saw any real progress in my gym life.



Desiree Peralta
In Fitness And In Health

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