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How I Made Exercise An Important Part Of My Day

8 ways you can succeed too

Nandita Abraham
8 min readApr 27, 2021


Are you one of those people who find exercising pointless? Who finds it difficult to start? Difficult to carry through? This post is for you!

Exercising doesn’t come naturally to me. I was never an athlete and never really saw the purpose. I always found better or different ways to use my time.

At 48, I started a fitness routine and surprisingly achieved high fitness levels each time I persisted. And then I would stop until I had another target. Does this resonate with you? Are you an on and off person with your aerobics? Gym? Jogs?

People say you must exercise for the pleasure, for the joy — but I never found any. I enjoy jogging while I am a few weeks into it, but even a week off is fatal, and I find it difficult to bounce back.

In the last five years (I am 53 now), I have been able to walk two 100 km walks, run two half marathons, and a dozen 10 k runs. I won’t pretend that I am a successful convert to fitness and will stay that way. But I will tell you how I succeeded. I will share my experience and give you some ideas about making it work for you.

What changed for me.

You may wonder whether anything changed for me. The answer is my mindset.

