How I Prepared Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally for Pregnancy

Everything I did to prepare for the biggest change in my life

Alexa V.S.
In Fitness And In Health


Positive pregnancy test. How I Prepared Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally for Pregnancy
Photo by SHVETS production on Pexels

I wanted it to be intentional.

The moment my husband and I decided to have children, we also decided we’d do whatever we could to prepare for this massive change. We wanted to be ready physically, mentally, and emotionally for this next step.

Now, of course you can never be fully prepared; I’m just in the second trimester of pregnancy and have already said, “I wasn’t ready for this,” a dozen times (if not more).

Morning sickness was worse than I’d imagined. The amount of stuff we need for a newborn is more than I thought.

And my thoughts and feelings… Wow.

After reading several books on pregnancy and early parenthood (more on this later), my husband and I had made many decisions regarding how we wanted to experience pregnancy and raise our kids. But now that I’m literally experiencing life growing inside me, I’ve changed my mind on things I thought were set in stone.

So does that mean all that prep was pointless?


Despite knowing now that no amount of preparation is ever enough, I’m 100% convinced everything my husband and I…



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