How I Quit Pounding Soda and Energy Drinks Every Day Like a Soda-Loser

A Pepsi habit put my friend in the hospital, seriously

Tim Ebl
In Fitness And In Health


I quit my cold Pepsi habit cold turkey. I didn’t think I had a choice, even though I was a big fan of soft drinks. It made one of my friends so sick she had to have surgery and nearly died.

Who doesn’t love a sweet, fizzy, refreshing gulp of soda? Everyone does, and that’s why we buy so much. Soft drink consumption in the US in 2018 was 38.87 gallons per person.

Every convenience store has entire walls covered with coolers loaded with soft drinks and energy drinks. There are vending machines at work and in hallways. We grab cases of it from Walmart and supermarkets to drink at home.

But what is all of this soda doing to your body? You can’t put all of that high fructose corn syrup in you without causing some harm.

Then my friend’s stomach started dying.

Soft drinks and energy drinks are loaded with junk. A 12-ounce can of Pepsi has 10 teaspoons of sugar and 32mg of caffeine. If you get a bottle instead, you’re probably getting in 20 teaspoons of a high fructose corn syrup and sugar mix that puts your pancreas in overdrive. Insane amounts of insulin hit the bloodstream within minutes.



Tim Ebl
In Fitness And In Health

I help busy guys lose the dadbod, get their energy back and feel 20 yrs younger!.