How Jane Finally Stopped Blowing Her Diet and Lost the Stubborn Weight

Try this successful strategy when you begin to binge

Sean Barker, CPT, PN2
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readDec 1, 2021


Photo by Artem Labunsky on Unsplash

I’ve helped thousands of people lose fat, tone up, and get healthy over the last 25 years of coaching, and here’s a situation I encounter all too often…

“Jane” has been following her healthier diet and workout plan for a couple of months and has made steady improvements.

Then, one night after work, she heads out with friends and winds up drinking too much wine and eating more of the pub grub than she wanted.

Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

Immediately afterward, she’s upset with herself for “ruining” her “diet”!

Steaming and feeling bloated, she berates himself:

“Perfect, Jane. There goes this week’s progress. I can’t believe how weak I am. I can’t even hang out with some friends without drinking my face off and stuffing it with junk food. How pathetic. You know what? I’m going to enjoy myself and eat ice cream when I get home too. What does it matter!

Later that night, Jane gobbles down a pint of ice cream and plods to bed, disgusted with herself.



Sean Barker, CPT, PN2
In Fitness And In Health

Award-winning fitness coach and best-selling author of The Easy Eating Diet and cookbook. Apply for Online Custom FIT Coaching here: