How Making One Simple Mistake in the Gym Changed My Life Forever

I wish I was lying.

Samuel Roberts
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

It was just a normal afternoon on March break of my sophomore year of high school — little did I know my life was about to change forever. I wish I was being overly dramatic.

My squat was finally starting to get stronger and I couldn’t wait to get under the bar. There was my first mistake, not skipping leg day on March break as a 15-year-old. If there ever was a perfect excuse, that was it.

The thing is, like most other kids (and many adults too) in the gym, I thought I knew everything. I was an expert. I watched a few YouTube videos and bam — invincible. Might as well have given me my PhD right there.

Ignorance is bliss until it bites you in the arse and sends you to live in a hospital for a few days.

How It All Went Wrong

You know how in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song his life gets flipped-turned upside down? Well, I was about to become Will Smith.

As a beginner to working out, you’re always curious about what the older jacked people are doing. You’re hoping to find some hidden exercise secret to get you as big as them in half the time and because of that, I had a tendency to copy things I saw. Many of those things were trivial…



Samuel Roberts
In Fitness And In Health

Bodybuilding, health/fitness, and other nonsense | Somehow a many-time top writer in Health | On hiatus